Ten Gables Cottage

Ten Gables Cottage
Ten Gables Cottage

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Making a Heart Pillow

Hi everyone from Ten Gables,
I spent time in my quilting group meeting Tues. to make this patchwork heart shaped pillow. I used old, vintage bits of lace and embroidered pieces that had been too well used to be useful anymore, but still had lots of embroidery intact. I cut a base of muslin and another one for the backing. I took one piece of heart-shaped muslin and sewed the various pieces of lace, fabric, and embroidery on it. Then I sewed the two hearts together, leaving an opening to put the stuffing in through. After stuffing the pillow, I tacked up the opening and embellished the pillow with a bow and a little heart shaped trinket that said love. It is an AUTOGRAPH PILLOW. I will give it to someone, in this instance a sick little girl, with an acid free permanent pen attached and she can have her friends who visit autograph it.
Before I stuffed it, I placed it on my dining table and decided it looked great as a placemat, so now I have another project to do using all my old scraps and bits....a set of placemats for Valentine's Day! There just isn't enough time to do all the fun and creative things that give pleasure to this life!! Happy Creating to you!


  1. Egretta, you must be one of the most unselfish people on earth. You're always making something for someone else!

  2. Mark, that is so nice to say! But I think that I like to do so much, that if I kept it all, one could not get into the house! So I must give it away!

  3. I agree with Mark. You're such a thoughtful person! The pillow is wonderful. However, I do dread Valentine's Day in the shop. Such a nightmare!
