Hi, I've been outside walking around the garden, enjoying a slightly cooler day than we've been having. Still it is about 82 degrees!We went to church this a.m and will go back later for the Octoberfest meal which I will report on tomorrow!
This photo is of the Florida Bleeding Heart or Bog Flower. I never know the scientific name of plants! In Kentucky, our bleeding heart was quite different, pink and shaped more like a heart. But this one is really nice, too. It is a vine that climbs by twisting and blooms in summer and on into Fall. Last year, it was frozen down, but came back and is flourishing. It is easy to grown---I have stuck cuttings in the ground and they have rooted and grown! I have a small trellis it can climb on.
What we need in Florida is some rain! It is bone dry right now. Hope you are having a nice Halloween!