The mother, Dorothy McDermott and her daughter, Melinda have sat up a wonderful shop full of lovely things!
Dorothy specializes in antique quilts and has many on display throughout the shop. She has Civil War era quilts right up to present day patterns.
I adore her St. Patrick's Day table
This shows my booth from the "back side". I especially wanted you to see the great little oak secretary I have for sale. On top of it rests a mounted emu egg! One can find some very unusual things at Rustic Star Antiques.
Here are Harry and Sally, our mascots, you might say. They sit all day on the sofa, observing everything that goes on. Sally seems a little bit "moony eyed".... I'm not sure Harry returns her romantic feelings!

Quite a couple!
Quite a couple!
I made up a bunch of corn husk flowers for my booth. I bought packages of dried corn husks, the kind one uses for tamales. I dyed them different colors and while they were wet, I shaped into flowers using wire to secure the petals and wrapped them in green floral tape. A skewer makes a stem. They are gorgeous made into floral arrangements using baby's breath as a filler.
Here are some of my painted pieces. I like to paint trays and watering cans
etc. for home decorating.

Below is a very old steamer trunk that is very unusual and pretty. It has a drop leaf desk with little drawers inside that are covered in blue velvet with pretty glass knobs.

I did a display of my Florida bird paintings.

Below is a view of part of my booth. The little slant top desk with chair is where I will sit and paint watercolors one or two days a week.

A view of one of Dorothy's beautiful quilts .

Melinda has a nice collection of vintage lamps and hats for sale.

A gorgeous American chestnut table. You know that chestnut wood is about extinct now. This table is really one of a kind!

A view of most of the shop. I will show you some close ups of some of the treasures later. Hope you enjoyed the little tour!

I love antiques and the stories behind them! It is such fun to collect something with history!
Here are some country pieces I painted. The cow bells are popular here in Florida "cow country". I don't know if you know it, but there are many dairies here as well as beef cattle.It is definately cowboy land!
Some of the shelves in my booth, where I display slag glass, carnival glass, and various other treasures.
Some of the shelves in my booth, where I display slag glass, carnival glass, and various other treasures.
Below is a very old steamer trunk that is very unusual and pretty. It has a drop leaf desk with little drawers inside that are covered in blue velvet with pretty glass knobs.
I did a display of my Florida bird paintings.
Below is a view of part of my booth. The little slant top desk with chair is where I will sit and paint watercolors one or two days a week.
A view of one of Dorothy's beautiful quilts .
Melinda has a nice collection of vintage lamps and hats for sale.
A gorgeous American chestnut table. You know that chestnut wood is about extinct now. This table is really one of a kind!
A view of most of the shop. I will show you some close ups of some of the treasures later. Hope you enjoyed the little tour!
I love antiques and the stories behind them! It is such fun to collect something with history!