Hello Everyone, Today is a beautiful sunny day in South Florida! I hope all of you are enjoying a Spring day wherever you are. I have been working a bit on cleaning up the patio and surrounding garden. The elevated garden bed ( horse grain trough) is really growing and I have been harvesting tomatoes and peppers. The zucchini squash plant, however, doesn't look so good and 3 or 4 little squash have turned yellow and dropped off. Others are doing o.k and I have my fingers crossed that they will survive. The plant had heaps of dusty mildew and I found out that diluted milk put on the leaves would help, which it has. I have also harvested a lot of delicious rocket lettuce, yum.
The Spring flowers are really pretty and I hope they last awhile but we are now getting some high temperatures! Today is 90 degrees! So soon the flowers will begin to dry up and I will be forced to scatter zinnia seeds about. Zinnias do well in hot weather here.
Below is the pineapple getting fairly large. It won't be ready until about July or even early August. An Easter lily to the right of it has not bloomed yet, but has several buds formed.
Below is a closer view of the elevated garden. If you enlarge this photo by clicking on it, you might be able to see some green tomatoes.
And here are the red tomatoes I harvested yesterday!