Hi Everyone, It started out today as a nice clear day with a few clouds, and a promise of rain before the day ended. Beth and I went to the pool to do our morning exercise and the water was so cold that we turned blue and could hardly get off the first step into the water. Forget just jumping in. It took me about ten minutes to finally get in water up to my neck. But in time, I quit shaking and warmed up, did a bunch of jumping jacks and jogged and just generally fooled around until finally it felt pretty warm and quit refreshing! I had a watercolor class to teach today and came home, gathered up my supplies and the painting below to use as an example of how to paint character faces and off I went .
I worked one whole day and about 1/2 another on this painting the other day. I liked the way it turned out. I love doing character faces; by that. I mean older faces with lines and distinguishing characteristics, such as this old man's beard. I haven't done people in a little while, so this one really got me in the mood to do some more. My class will be ending for the summer soon, so I will have more time to pursue this.
As I started home from the class, guess what? A big heavy rain came up, so I went through a drive-thru and got an ice cream (bad girl) and sat the rain out, enjoying my ice cream. What with the rain and the cold treat, once again, I nearly froze! Isn't it amazing how when you are acclimated to hot weather, the least little cool nearly freezes you. Soon the rain quit, the sun is out and I walked out to the garden again to see how things are fairing in all the rain we are having. Most things are lush, but I see the zinnias are getting some black spot or some such disease, caused from too much rain. They are still colorful, though and pretty.
So I gathered some zinnias and cosmos and made a little bouquet for the studio.They are so cheerful and bright. Maybe I will paint them.