Many of you who regularly look at this blog of mine, do not look at my painting blog. Painting is what I love to do and I started the painting blog last March, trying hard to post a new painting almost daily. That is pretty difficult, plus keeping up with this blog and doing all the other creative things I love to do!
So I wanted you to see some of my paintings and entice you to look at my painting blog which is Take a look!
The first painting I am showing here is of a country home with the trees just budding out and the azaleas blooming, which is a sure sign of Spring in the Southern part of the U.S.
The second painting is an egg tempera painting that I did plein air at Heathcote Botanical Garden in Ft. Pierce, Fl. I hope to paint there soon, as I love the garden in the Spring. This shows the wisteria blooming. All things bloom earlier in Florida and some things bloom all year that don't do so in the Northern U.S. I love the blooms hanging off the old lattice work is actually a green house of sorts, ie. the door.
And the last painting today is an old farmer at dusk, taking a rest on his porch. This, too, is painted in egg tempera, a medium I love, as it is such fun to layer it in thin washes. It is probably not Spring because the potato crop is in; you can see his basket of potatoes there on the porch. But this painting reminds us of the reward of gardening. Yes, it is tiresome at times, but we can enjoy our harvest!
Beautiful paintings, and so many more amazing ones on your painting blog.