The sweetest thing happened: Mother Nature made a beautiful resting place for my squash! The dried blossoms off the bougainvillea blew over into the garden and formed a beautiful and cozy bed for my squash to rest in, as it grows! Hopefully it will help keep off bugs. So far, the squash looks amazing!
Here is another pinkish looking plant--the coleus and it looks really good. I am having to do a lot of watering as it is so dry here. I can't remember when we have had a decent rain!
Here is my accommodating bougainvillea. It could care less whether it rains or not! Dry, hot weather is her best friend. Since it is pink, I believe it is a "her".
I adore the beautiful painted daisies. Any daisy just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and HOMEY!
The crape myrtle is really blooming nicely and lifts it's lovely blossoms to the sky!. My trees need some trimming before next season. I love crape myrtles in the summer, but in the winter they look absolutely desperate....just a bunch a dry, dead looking branches. So Enjoy now!!